Get your teams ready for the Winter

Having completed the JFFL Fall League with Terror Squad as the Division C Bowl Champion, Wet Bandits as Division B Bowl Champion and PWO as JFFL Bowl Champion.We now look forward to the JFFL Winter League starting Dec. 7 and concluding Jan. 11 (barring a rain out, then Jan. 18). If you want to bring out a team for Winter, let us know, we can only allow 12-14 teams due to early sunset constraints and we’ve maxed out last 3 winters and have had to turn teams down, so reserve your spot now. Fill out the contact us tab and we will get you all of the updates and meeting times. Players that don’t have a team returning that want to play, let us know. Just show up during our open practice sessions or on game day to pick up with a team. Games will be in Modesto.